Here are some highlights from the Summer of 2009
Our Very First Garden!
We did step at a time!
It started out small....
...but then it grew and grew!
Lettuce, cucumber, tomato, cabbage, chard and lots of delicious herbs!
Our 2nd Annual Homeschool Summer Musical
starring Caroline
(Cinderella's Mouse Friend)
Julia & Mary Katharine
"Alethea" and "Artemis"
Franciscan Summer Camp
Caroline enjoyed another week at camp...
even though she'll miss her buddies Doh-Doh and Be-bet
The Greatest Anniversary Gift Ever
Pictures could never do this justice.
Grammy spent over one month with the girls,
learning songs, dances, making costumes and props
for a special surprise performance of
"South Pacific"

Mommy and Daddy were given fancy cocktails,
special tropical appetizers and
front row seats for our 12th wedding anniversary surprise.
The girls did a GREAT job.
You brought us to tears with your sweet voices,
little dance steps and all that you learned
and kept a secret for such a long time.
Thank you!
We love you so much.
Summer Film Project...our First Movie!
We are so blessed by the talents and dedication of the families in our community.
The girls had the special privilege of filming a documentary
on the life of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes.
This project involved over 100 children from CT and Westchester County.
It was a lot of fun and was a fantastic experience
in many ways.
And last but not least...
Caroline's 9th Birthday in August
This year's party theme was a
"Johnny Rockets" Hamburger Party
cutting fondant "tomatoes" for her cheeseburger cake!
Our coolest cake so far (and the easiest one too)
Waiting to greet her customers at the JR Cafe!