Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Whatever it Takes!

Breakfast in bed was the bribe du jour last Tuesday!  At 7 a.m. with smiles on their faces, the girls were awakened tenderly by their loving mother who entered the bedroom bearing three fancy trays each adorned with a bagel & cream cheese and oj (not their usual breakfast beverage).  "What's this for?", they asked sheepishly?  "Well, I replied sarcastically, whatever it takes to get you people out of bed in the morning!"  You see, now that we've "relocated" to the other part of town, our lives have been torn up-side-down.  Okay, I'm exaggerating, but my point is that everything was so on track over at Ardmore Street.  Get up at 7, put on clothes, run out the door for 7:30 mass, home at 8, breakfast, chores and school begins at 9!  (mommy loves a schedule).  WELLLLLLL, since the little church at the end of the street in the new "hood" has morning mass at 9:00 a.m., mommy's schedule is being thrown off completely. Even I have gotten sucked in to the 9 a.m. mass dilemma.  I like a little extra shut-eye myself during these cold, winter months and who wants to hop out of bed in the dark and cold?  Ugh.  But going to mass at 9 a.m. feels more like lunch time when you get up at 6:00, so what's a woman to do but sleep in!  Alas, the girls (and mom) have become sleepy heads...and waking up later guessed it, going to bed later, which means, frustrated mommy!  I know April, none of this would have happened if we hadn't moved.  But there are some benefits of living in the woods, like mice, spiders and other woodland creatures, but that's for another post.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Official recognition on your blog already! Listen, you should have been straight with me. I could have given you my food list and you could have given me your time schedule. Maybe that would have been more "even."


Love you from "afar,"

Welcome said...

You've just reminded me that I've fallen off the band wagon with that food list. Sorry. LOL