Friday, May 1, 2009

Water Babies

You two little chickadees are becoming quite compatible lately. Tubby time and bed time seem to be your favorite activities of late. Perhaps you've developed this strong bond because you are roommates! Perhaps it's because you see a great divide between yourselves ("Team Little") and the your older sisters ("Christie Bigs"). Whatever the reason, it's a sheer delight for daddy and I to see you playing, giggling and snuggling together. You both have so much spunk and personality that you must have gotten from your lovely mother.

Now that Miss Marysia has her very own "big girl bed", suddenly her little friend in the crib across the room is very interested in "Mimi bed." So tonight we tried to sing some songs in Mimi's bed together. But there was way too much giggling so Mommy put the littlest of the littles back into her crib. As I walked out of the room, I clutched my heart as I heard Mimi say to her baby sis, "Shhhh, it's time for bed now...lie back down in your crib. Mimi will sing you your songs."

Lord, thank you for these precious moments.
Forgive me for all of the times I'm too busy cleaning.


Mary @ Cheerios said...

You are awesome Sharon! These girls are so precious!!! Thanks for sharing. God bless you!

janina said...

sharon.....what a lovely post. you are all so very special.