Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Sweet 3rd Grade Girl

"Linka" is growing beautifully this year in many ways. She is taking on much more academically for one thing. She works quietly on her seat work downstairs in the morning (while the noise makers stay up in the playroom.) She thrives on quiet activity, personal space and routine. Hence, her latest idea of afternoon fun is "quiet reading tea-time" with Samantha, her American Girl doll. She is blowing through all of the Samantha readers one by one and easily gets lost in the stories. It takes some nudging to pull her out of imagination land, but I envy the way she can focus with such intensity whenever she picks up a book. (This must come from her father.)

Another place where this little eight-year-old girl is showing great maturity is in the kitchen! This year, she is in charge of lunch, which primarily means set up and clean up. However, she is far more interested in helping to prepare and serve the food, so I'm not about to look that gift horse in the mouth! One day she decided to dress up mom's same old boring salad. Those little sprays of shredded carrot did wonders when it came time to "sell" the meal. Even the baby bought into it and pointed at the plate until we gave her a few to nibble on. 

As they say... the presentation is half of the meal!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

School Days!

Top 5 "One-Liners" from the First Week of School
5. "Mom, what was Jesus' last name?"
(MKC - age 3)

4. "Mom, can I take a break?"
(CEC - 10 minutes into her first subject on Day 1)

3. "Mom, thank you for homeschooling us."
(JNC - Day 1)

2. "I hate's so boring."
(JNC - Day 2)

1. "Mom, how many more days of school do we have?"
(JNC - Day 3)


Thursday, September 4, 2008

She's a ROCK star!

Climbing vertically 30 feet in the air is NOT something you'll ever find me doing. I did it once at a summer camp back in 1996 when I was "leading" some high school kids who were challenged to brave this ropes course during their week at camp. Ha! I was completely terrified but stumbled my way through trembling in order to "set the example" so to speak. Well, I'm amazed that Linka (at age 8) was brave enough to climb this wall, not once, but three times while at the Pilot Pen Kid Zone a few weeks ago. Her younger sister (age 6) was right behind her doing the same thing. They were fearless. As for their mother....I thoroughly enjoyed watching them climb as my own two feet pressed firmly into the ground. ROCK-on girls!