Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ballerina Girls

Congratulations to C and J. You did a great job in your "Swan Lake" ballet dance and your "Rockin Robin" tap dance last week. We're so proud of you and your little sissies clapped and smiled with pride watching their favorite big girls perform up on stage. You both have grace and poise and if we do say so, you've got talent! But most importantly, the smiles on your faces made us so happy watching you just having fun.  I'm thinking of a Lionel Richie song from my favorite decade...the 80's.  "Ballerina girl, you are so lovely. I can see in you my dreams come true. Don't you ever go away."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happily Evah Aftah, Right Shweet-haat?

Ladies and they are....our very own "match made in heaven". THE HAPPY COUPLE! (They've never gotten along so well...hmmm. Okay kids. EVERY day is dress-up day!) 

The two big sisters were invited to a costume birthday party one week before Halloween. Most kids wore the costumes they'd picked for Halloween. But we didn't want to freak out an innocent party crowd with the somewhat obscure selections we'd come up with for "Holyween" (Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Dymphna and Our Lady of Czestachowa) which may have, in turn, led to some rather peculiar conversations about awkward topics such as beheading! 

So we kept it "light" opting for the bride and groom motif. I think they pulled it off quite nicely if I do say so myself. Caroline was coifed and poised in her First Holy Communion attire (which had originally been Emily's flower girl dress in our wedding). And then there's Julia...what can I say? Is she a dashing four-foot groom, or what? She played the part well...the cigar, the guido mustache and the hip action as she clutched her tall and stately "trophy wife"...our Italian ancestors would be proud, kid!

The party was great fun, but alas...all great parties must come to an end. So the "happy couple" resumed their sisterly roles upon their return home that evening...sleeping in their own beds, wearing their flannel pj's and bickering about who gets first dibs on the American Girl horse game first thing in the morning....I guess that honeymoon is over!