Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow in My Shoes!

Good Old St. Nicholas made his way to Guenevere Court on December 6th. We dutifully put out our shoes on the front step. Julia left him a coloring page too and Caroline ensured that everyone's shoes matched...same color, same foot! Mom checked outside at about midnight to see if St. Nick had come...and she gasped when she saw that the shoes were covered in snow - the first falling of the season! How exciting...but how messy. She quickly brought the shoes inside, arranging them in the same way we had left them outside. The notes and the coins got a little wet, but that didn't matter. The next morning the girls did what any smart child would do...focus on the chocolate without ever questioning how it was that St. Nick was able to get into the house without setting off the alarm! I guess he must know our passcode!

1 comment:

janina said...

What an adorable story. St.Nick always came to the Bruell kids in Mikuszowice, Poland